Asia Specialist Testing and Research Institution Serving South East Asia ( Hong Kong, Macau, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand )
Our Expertise
Non destructive Testing, Advanced NDT, Welding Inspection, Material Testing, Fracture & Failure Investigation, Thickness Guaging, Coating & painting thickness measurement, Expediting, Remedial Life Assessment service, Plant Inspection & Certification.
Non - Destructive Testing
Welding & QC Inspection
Destructive Testing
*Radiographic Testing - Gamma - Ir 192, Se 75
*Radiographic Testing - Directional X-ray
* Radiographic Testing - Pipeline X-ray Crawler
* Ultrasonic Testing - Welds, Materials
* Magnetic Particle Testing - Carbon steel material
* Penetrant Testing - Low alloy material, Stainless steel
Eddy Current Testing
* Paint Coating thickness Measurement - Steel base and non steel base
* Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging
* HOKLAS Accredited Test for specifc standards as listed in HKAS directory
Fracture & Failure Investigation
Our Failure anaylst provides you with Root cause analysis, recommendation for improvement, change in design, processes, materials
Advisor on prevention of failures
Lead time for fracture / failure investigaiton is between 4 -7 weeks
FEM & Stress Analysis Studies
Welding Consultancy
Preparation of Preliminary Welding Procedures
Welding Procedure Approval Test witness
Production Welding Inspection
Verification of filler wire & materials
welder training & qualification
Supply of Welding Inspector
Supply of Sr Welding Inspector
Supply of Welding Specialist
Vendor Evaluation Audits
Preshipment Inspection Audits
Third Party Inspection in Mainland
Mechanical - Pull out Testing - Onsite
Donguan Laboratory
Tensile Test
Impact Test
Hardness Test
Macro Examination
Bend Test
Partenered Laboratory Test
Fatigue Test
Stress Corossion test

Surveyors & Expeditors
Supply of Engineers
Supply of QC Inspectors
Supply of Welding, Painting professionals
Supply of QC Engineers, supervisors
Supply of Document controller
Third Party inspection services
Third Party Checker Services
SNT - TC-1A Training & Certification Program
ISO 9712 NDT Programs partenered with ANSA TIC Veritas (S) Pte Ltd & Wens Quality Assurance (HK) Ltd for Level 1, 2 & 3