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May 2017 - ASTAR opens new mechanical testing laboratory in China named as Donguan Wa Shing


May 2016 - ASTAR Provides Eddy current Testing & PAUT / TOFD Services


Dec 2015 - ASTAR Celebrates 3rd year anniversay & Annual dinner at HK Marco Polo Hotel



SeP 2015 - X RAY -  ASTAR provides Micro focus X-ray services  using Low voltage X-ray for Low alloyed & Non ferrous Materials


May 2015 - ASTAR join hands with WENS to operate the overseas projects

PT Wens Quality Assurance  awareded Yamgas LNG project for the construction of building substations

The team is operating with 50 Inspectors almost 365 days a year, Its challengeing to manage the team however I enjoy doing that says project Manager & Director  Mr. P. Sasikumar, NDT Level 3


May 2015- ASTAR Successfully awarded 2 Water Seepage contract from FEHD/BD, Completed 2017.


Feb 2015 - ASTAR Launches ISO 9712 Training & Certification Services

Astar partnered with WENS Singapore  provide Level 2 & Level 3 Trianing & Certification services. The service includes for 5 major NDT Methods - VT,UT,MT,PT & RT


Nov 2013 ASTAR MACAU Laboratories provides full fledged testing services



-Welding Inspection ( Third Party Checker Services)

- Non Destructive Testing

- Pull Out Testing

- Soil, Cement & Concrete Testing

- Steel Testing

- Calibration

- Training & Certification


 Feb 2013: ASTAR provides Radiographic testing with Se 75 Gamma source


What is Se 75, What is the Advantages?


Using Se 75 a minimum wall thickness of 5mm steel up to 30mm, Compar the difference as below from the radiographs.

Selenium provides superior quality & would replace X-ray for thickness more than 5mm ( penetrated wall thickness)



ASTAR provides Pull out Testing Services

- Bolts

- Tiles

- Studs



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